Speed Limits
Squeaky Wheels is dedicated to encouraging more and safer cycling on Bainbridge Island, for both recreation and transportation.
Speed limits
Background: In March 2016, the City of Bainbridge Island has taken two actions to lower speed limits. First, in response to recommendations from the City’s Non-Motorized Transportation Advisory Committee the council approved setting speed limits at a maximum of 25 MPH in commercial and densely zoned developed areas and a maximum of 35 MPH for collecotrs and arterials in lower density areas of the island. These limits do not apply to State Highway 305. Secondly,the council adopted speed limit reductions for 5 roads studied for speed and safety in the 2015 Focused Traffic Study commisioned by the City.
Squeaky Wheels Position: We applaud and encourage the City’s review of Island speed limits and endorse the City’s recent actions. Safety is the first principle in non-motorized transportation, and lower auto speeds make it safer +and less stessfull for cyclists and pedestrians to share the road.
State law says that city speed limits shall be 25 MPH unless a traffic and engineering study shows that a different limit is safe (RCW 46.61.400-415). We believe this principle should apply to the safety of cyclists and pedestrians as well as to auto and truck drivers. Speed limits on City roads should not be greater than 25 MPH unless a study can show that a higher limit does not reduce safety for cyclists and pedestrians.
A league of American Bicyclists report states that pedestrians and cyclists have a 90 percent survival rate ifspeedresults hit at 20 mph or below, but that rate drops to 50 percent at 30 mph or above. Comfort or stress on Bainbridge Island roads is a measure of perceived safety. Lower speed limits will improve safety, lower stress and encourage more walking and biking.
Next Steps:
We encourage the City to continue reviewing speed limits on Island roads. Some specific roads that deserve review include (a) Lofgren and Moran between Ferncliff and Madison, (b) . . . (c) . . . Please let the City or Squeaky Wheels know other streets which need to be studied for safety.
We encourage motorists to try driving slower on their normal trips and see how much longer it takes. It will probably not be as much as you think!
We want to hear from you.
Please send comments and suggestions to squeakywheels.org with the subject line “speed limits.