Category: Infrastructure

Colman Dock: Vehicle holding locations move September 26th

Vehicle holding locations move for first time in decades Starting Wednesday, Sept. 26, the Bainbridge Island vehicle holding lanes and loading slip will move to the south side of the terminal building where Bremerton vehicles currently wait. The Bremerton lanes and slip will shift to the north side where Bainbridge vehicles currently wait. This swap has not

Ferry Alert: Loading Procedures at Terminals with Overhead Passenger Walkways

From: Washington State Ferries [] Sent: Wednesday, June 28, 2017 12:41 PM Subject: Ferry Alert: Loading Procedures at Terminals with Overhead Passenger Walkways The following alert is a correction to a previous alert sent Friday, June 23 about procedural changes at terminals with overhead passenger loading: In an effort to promote consistent boarding procedures and

Speed Limits

Squeaky Wheels is dedicated to encouraging more and safer cycling on Bainbridge Island, for both recreation and transportation.   Speed limits Background: In March 2016, the City of Bainbridge Island has taken two actions to lower speed limits. First, in response to recommendations from the City’s Non-Motorized Transportation Advisory Committee the council approved setting speed

Victory at Sea for Bikers

The tide has turned towards the Colman Dock having great bicycle facilities After a lot of hard work from many people, Washington State Ferries will incorporate Squeaky Wheels recommendations for the new Colman Dock design. This means that the north gate will re-open and a larger, more efficient, safer and more pleasant holding area along