Colman Dock: Vehicle holding locations move September 26th

Vehicle holding locations move for first time in decades Starting Wednesday, Sept. 26, the Bainbridge Island vehicle holding lanes and loading slip will move to the south side of the terminal building where Bremerton vehicles currently wait. The Bremerton lanes and slip will shift to the north side where Bainbridge vehicles currently wait. This swap has not

Paula Holmes-Eber Spotlight:

Cycling through Vietnam and Cambodia Paula to Speak at Traveler, 256 Winslow Way, 7:00 PM, September 25th. From April-May, 2018, Paula and Lorenz Eber undertook a 900 kilometer, independent cycling tour along the coast of Vietnam from Ho Chin Minh City to Hanoi, ending their journey with a ride through the temples of Angkor Wat

Save the Date: Bike for Pie in September

This year Squeaky Wheels will present Bike for Pie on Sunday, September 16th, 2018! Squeaky Wheels’ Bike for Pie is an annual celebration of cycling for bicycle riders of all abilities and features after-ride festivities at Town Square, that includes live music and some great, freshly-baked pie. This is a great way to experience Bainbridge